+91 965 4533 433

Indian Owners

Trade N Fill > Indian Owners

Quality and performance at the right price

Legal responsibilities which must be satisfied after incorporation of organization are annual compliance. Compliance signifies ‘activity to conforming to law’ and annual signifies ‘a year’.

Annual Compliance implies covering all the legal necessities for entire the year to avoid legal punishments.


Public Limited Company is Limited Liability & offers shares to the general public which are traded in stock market or fixed deposits.

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It is a legal entity separate from its member, offering limited liability protection & is a company that has only 1 shareholder.

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A proprietorship is an organization that is not enlisted with the state as a restricted risk organization or an complete enterprise.

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+91 965 4533 433

With a curated pool of experts from our team of CAs, you will surely never go wrong on compliance.