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Whenever you applied for the Trademark registration then sometimes the Trademark Registrar
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Trademark Objection™

Whenever you applied for the Trademark registration then sometimes the Trademark Registrar has objections to your application. There may be many reasons behind that like the word logo is too similar, pronunciation is similar to the other one, etc.

When the examiner report has been published then you can file your response to this objection within a month. If it has been sent to you or your lawyers then a month from when it was received. If you don’t, the Registrar could abandon the application altogether.

There are many reasons behind to respond to a trademark objection like;

→ Clearance: If you give the reply to that Trademark Objection with evidence to clear all the things then there is no reason will remain to ample your application. The Registrar may need only clarification by your side.

→ Brand Protection: It means when you received the objection application then you should use the symbol ™ for a few months so that your existing customers still stick to your website. You should not file a new application instead of identifying the reasons behind to know about your logo, word and brand name which are different.

Process of Trademark Objection is mainly depending on the working days like;

→ Single Time Working Day: If any person filed a trademark with us then we will inform you that your Trademark has been objected by the registrar less than a month from the report.  If you are not a customer, it’s best for you to contact Tradenfill within a month from receiving the report.

→ Six Working Days: Six days stands for that we will arrange your meeting with our Lawyers / Consultant to sort out all these things. The Lawyers / Consultant is basically understanding your case and helps frame the correct response and affidavit. The response will be submitted.

→ Working Days on Monthly Basis: If you are given a reply of the objection to the Registrar and they don’t accept your initial response then after that an interview is scheduled where the arguments would need to be presented in person. If the Government is satisfied with the response then the objection will be lifted within 18 months.

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