As Trademark Registration is important for any kind of business and its valid for likewise, Trademark Renewal is too important to do. It must be filed before the expiry of the mark. The Trademark Renewal Application form must be prepared and filed before the deadline to enjoy seamless protection of the Trademark without any chances of Litigation. Most of the time, many companies forget to renew their Trademark so before the expiration of the Trademark, The Registrar sends a notice of 6 months to them. After getting the notice if you still not respond to the Registrar then he or she will send a statement in which mentions that your Trademark would be removed from the Trademark Journal if it is not renewed on the time. It’s a lengthy process that takes 6-12 months.
If your Trademark is getting registered then your company will be benefited from getting contravene your Trademark. If your company’s Trademark renewed from time to time then it will be continued.