Public Limited Company(PLC) is Limited Liability and offers shares to the general public. These shares are traded in the stock market or issues fixed deposits. The Public Limited Company registration which comes under the Companies Act, 2013. If you want to register a Company in India then they must have a minimum of 3 Directors, 7 Shareholders, maximum 50 Directors and need rupees 5 lakhs of paid-up capital. A Public Limited Company have all the advantages like Private Limited Company.
There are many of the characteristics of the Public Limited Company like;
Directors: According to the Companies Act, 2013, to start up a Public Limited Company you must require a minimum of 3 Directors and there can be an increase in a number of Directors in the future.
Limited Liability: The liability of each shareholder is limited. In simple words, a shareholder of a Public Limited Company isn’t personally responsible for any loss of the company for any amount greater than the amount invested by them.